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Dir. Zuxin Hou | 29min



Hou was a part of China’s first rebellious generation of rock and roll musicians in the 80s, a different era when artists of all trades were hungry, anxious, and in search for catharsis and self-expression.


Hou is now in his 60’s. He suffered a stroke in 2010 and lost his ability to speak for a time. If you were to look at him today and take in this bald man speaking in a drawl, you would never guess that he was once a longhaired, bearded rock star that once sang on stage.


After three years of recovery, Hou is ready to compose again. The rock song he composes will be dedicated to his youth hood and his illness. He names it: Live Like a Fucking Moron.


So many things have changed since 1980s, but is there anything that will never change? For those Chinese rockers, no matter how old they are, Rock and Roll will always be their way of living, and they will always share the same “Rock Spirit”.‍





Zuxin Hou 


Director | Writer | Filmmaker

M.F.A. Film and Television Production

University of Southern California 


B.A. Sociology Major, Journalism Minor 

Chinese University of Hong Kong 

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